CFAES Give Today
Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Water Management Association of Ohio Annual Meeting

Water is a constant and dynamic force of nature that flows through and supports our lives. Like the vital resource itself, WMAO has consistently served its ever-changing membership and water resource professional community for five decades. Originating before passage of the Clean Water Act, WMAO looks forward to continuing a storied tradition and mission of bringing professionals together for a better collective understanding of Ohio’s water resource challenges and state-of-the-art management. Join us for this two day conference of plenary sessions, contributed papers, poster presentations, and networking events. The full agenda will be available in early fall. We look forward to celebrating 50 years working together in protecting Ohio water resources!
Event date: 
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 8:30am
Event location: 
Crowne Plaza Hotel Worthington / Columbus