Composting turns organic waste into valuable fertilizer that can be added to soil to help plants grow. Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up about 18% of the materials we throw away at the Franklin County Landfill, when it should have been returned to the earth as soil instead.
Join the SWACO team and Kristin Hilson, Marketing and Public Outreach Coordinator, from the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District, as we dive further into the organic waste diversion opportunities available to residents and how you can get started composting at home (including how to compost with worms!). Already have a compost system at your house, but have trouble shooting questions? There will be time to ask questions and learn more about FREE training's and discounts available to Franklin County residents through the Community Backyards Conservation Program.
Event date:
Thursday, August 27, 2020 - 7:00pm
Event Website:
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GoTo Webinar
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