New Voices in Energy Impacts Research: Graduate Research Highlights is the third webinar in’s 2016-2017 webinar series. This webinar will highlight cutting-edge social science research on the impacts of energy development from current or recent graduate students, as well as provide a forum for current and prospective graduate students engaged in energy impacts research. Panelists will discuss recent findings from their work examining impacts of energy development across wind, oil, and coal seam and natural gas regimes, as well as consider cross-cutting themes such as best practices for community engagement, relationships between environmental beliefs and attitudes towards energy development, and the influence of framing on attitudes, adoption, and public support. There is no registration requirement or fee to attend, so we hope you’ll join us.
Details on the series and joining the webinar are available at:
Event date:
Thursday, February 16, 2017 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Event Website:
Event location:
Topic Areas: