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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources



Search results

  1. Conference participation seeds new ideas and connections

    ideas and catch up with colleagues. SENR Associate Professor Bill Peterman presenting "Prioritizing ... Suitability Model Development for the Gray Fox in Ohio." Catching up with recent alumni Not only are new ... connections made, but attending annual conferences offers an opportunity to catch up with old friends and ...

  2. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables

    canned according to the procedures in this fact sheet. Low­-acid and tomato foods not canned according to ... used for canning. Processing times listed in this fact sheet are not adequate for pressure cookers. ... freer along the inside edge of the jar to allow any excess air to escape. Move the spatula up and down ...

  3. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Extension bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of any external site associated with ...

  4. Dr. Ippolito Helps Lead Soil Health Survey at Ohio State’s Grace Drake Farm

    foundation for future soil health studies as on-site management practices are altered in the future.  ...

  5. Nitrate Tip- For Animal Safety Add Testing To Forage Analysis

    plant proteins due to growth being slowed by environmental conditions.  Soil nitrates are taken up ... will be high.  If the soil moisture is low the plant will have difficulty taking up the nitrates. If it ... up on the lower nitrate forage and then provide the higher nitrate product later in the day. Programs ...

  6. Phones Quieter, Visitors Fewer, But 4-H Program Never Sleeps

    the 4-H program. Starting November 1, 2024 the New 4-H Volunteer Application will be up on the ... website, This is just a snippet of what our office is up to these days now that the 2024 ...

  7. Student Spotlight: Sarah Hoak

    State Horticulture and Crop Science (@osu_hortcropsci) You can keep up with Crops and Soils club on ...

  8. Dr. Rattan Lal Inducted as Honorary Member of the International Union of Soil Scientists (IUSS)

    the fact that Dr. Lal’s “dedication and influence [has] left a significant impact on [the IUSS] ...

  9. Shared Harvest

    to attend this event and receive food. Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site ...

  10. Shared Harvest

    to attend this event and receive food. Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site ...
