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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources



Search results

  1. Natural rubber-related article in The Washington Post

    article on domestic natural rubber production. The article points out that initiatives that target natural ...

  2. Midwestern Legislative Conference (MLC)

    their staff from eleven Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces to improve state government by ... collaboration. Dr. Lal was honored to be able to present “Managing Soil Health for Carbon Sequestration and Water ...

  3. Prochaska supports water access project in Tanzania, uses scholarship to aid funding

    primary objective on the trip was to map out points so that fresh water could be tapped for the village of ... helping them in their academic endeavors both in the classroom and out.  This past summer, biological ... engineering trip to Tanzania, where he worked on a long term program aimed at delivering clean water to the ...

  4. Moving Out: Learning About Your Tractor and Farm Machinery, Level C 1729457639 ...

  5. Sara Guiher

    Sara Guiher Extension Educator, Harmful Algal Blooms and Water Quality, Ohio Sea Grant College ... Program Extension Educator, Harmful Algal Blooms and Water Quality, Ohio Sea Grant College Program ...

  6. Welcome: Dr. Ahmed Elgharably

    By Ahmed Elgharably Dr. Elgharably obtained his Ph.D. in soil fertility and plant nutrition from ... science courses in Dept Soils and Water, Assiut University, Egypt, but also filled in postdoctoral ...

  7. Cloverbud Counselor Selections

    deadline must attend.  Selections will take place from 6:00- 7:30 p.m., applicants should plan to be there ...

  8. AEDE Welcomes Research Assistant Professor Charity Troyer Moore

    receiving her Ph.D. from OSU, Dr. Troyer Moore moved to India and started Evidence for Policy Design India, ... earned her Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics and M.A. in Economics from The ... Ohio State University, and a B.A. in Business Management from Asbury University (Wilmore, KY). After ...

  9. November/December Events

    info, and we can figure out a date. We can call it  Dr. Boone’s Bake to Take Cookie Exchange, since she ...

  10. World Food Day 2024

    held a potluck on Friday, October 18th, in Kottman Hall. The spread featured dishes from Nepal, India, ... lemony hummus made from scratch. Both members kindly shared their recipes with us in this newsletter. We ... Pulao Recipe from Noor-Us-Sabah Ingredients: 250 g or 1 cup boiled chick peas 500 g or 2 cups rice, ...
