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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources



Search results

  1. PhD Exit Seminar, Nagendra Subedi, Plant Pathology (S. Miller, advisor)

    Characterization and management of Ralstonia solanacearum strains from South Asia. Fisher 121 (Wooster) videolinked to Kottman 244 (Columbus) ...

  2. Seminar, Anand Persad, Manager Plant Sciences Research, Davey Tree Institute

    Restoration of Urban Forests After Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and Relevance of An Urban Fit Matrix in Replant Selection in North America. Fisher 121 (Wooster) and 244 Columbus (Columbus). ...

  3. POSTPONED: Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Hamilton County

    The Hamilton County GAPs class is postponed until June 10th!  ...

  4. Project Comes To The Rescue of Ohio's Agricultural Literature

    people who plowed Ohio from scratch and planted the seeds of its future development. Here are some ...

  5. CANCELED: Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Ashtabula County

    Due to low registration numbers, this class has been canceled. Alternative training on same day: Geauga Co class from 1-4PM  ...

  6. Master in Plant Health Mgt Seminar, Gina Zirkle, The Scotts Miracle-gro Company

    A look at the Consumer Lawn & Garden Industry:  Scotts Miracle-Gro innovation, Research, and Product Development. Kottmn 447 (Columbus) videolink to Selby 203 (Wooster) ...

  7. Ohio State Agriculture, Medical Researchers Test Berries as Cancer-fighters

    of this work is to determine which management practices and varieties produce berries with the ...

  8. Junior Master Gardener Day Camp Program-A Plant's Environment


  9. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Sandusky County CANCELLED

    The Sandusky County GAPs class has been cancelled.       Are you interested in hosting a GAPs program? Call Lindsey Hoover at (330) 202-3555 ext 2918 or email at ...

  10. Dairy Producers Seeing Historically High Prices

    feeding," said Thraen. "Another factor is that corn planting is way behind this year. Plug that in with ...
