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Chow Line: Portion control can help with diabetes (for week of 2/8/09)
Nutrition Facts labels or consult a reference book or an online nutrient database for that information. And ...
Chow Line: Take medical advice when reducing iron (for 7/26/09)
online at But again, keep in mind that even that information ...
Chow Line: Lots of reasons not to eat a high-fat diet (for 8/30/09)
much? You are probably talking about a University of Oxford study published in the online version of the ...
UPDATED: Three Honored for Long-Time Dedication and Commitment to Farm Science Review
under are free. For more information, go to Melanie Wilt Chuck Gamble False False False ...
For Grape Growers: Ohio State Hosts Conference Nov. 6 in Wooster
opportunity, Dami pointed out, came to fruition due to the cancellation of the 2010 Ohio Grape and Wine ...
‘Fueling the Cure’ Yields $101,000 Joint Food, Cancer Research Endowment
Comprehensive Cancer Center and CFAES by pointing out Ohio State’s focus on collaboration, and its unique ...
Champion Dog Breeder: 'I Owe It All to 4-H'
Miller said. "That's the hook. When kids and teens get involved, though, they find out ...
2016 Corn Silage Crop in Ohio
can increase spoilage at feed out because it is a food source for yeasts and molds. Use of a good ...
Don't Let Slugs Rule the Roost in No-Till Fields
enough before the eggs hatch, the crop gets out of the ground in most cases. But I've seen corn in ... later in the season around the time of egg hatching. Slugs can literally take those plants out before ...
Deep Tillage May Be of Value in Ohio
and when the soil surface dries out later in the season the roots dry out as well and there's ...