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Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields
several years. So we are really encouraging people to get their crop out of the field as soon as ...
Family Fundamentals: Parents can help teens learn to manage their money (for May 2007)
manage money. Are there guidelines out there? You're smart to be thinking this way. Each year, the ...
Corn Surprises, Despite Rough Growing Season
turn out surprisingly good yields. "Most growers were able to handle lodging, but it required ...
Chow Line: Store staples properly to keep long-term (for 12/24/06)
out of time. What is the best way to store flour, sugar, butter and nuts for the long term? Those ...
Family Fundamentals: Parents: Strengthen family by changing your focus (for April 2010)
especially with teenagers. Most teens tune out the moment they hear a whisper of criticism in your voice. The ...
Chow Line: Trick yourself to stop binging on treats (for 10/21/07)
October 12, 2007 With Halloween coming up, I need to figure out how to avoid binging on candy. Any ...
Family Fundamentals: Increasing emotional intelligence takes practice (for September 2007)
your child manage them, and that could help you both figure out why he's not doing his homework ...
Chow Line: No need to scream over ice cream (for 6/27/10)
point is, check it out. Ignorance isn't bliss when it shows up on your hips. If you don't like ...
Chow Line: Low fat or low carb? Choose what works (for 3/15/09)
carbs. The results? At the end of the year, 23 percent (29) of the participants had dropped out, mainly ...
Look Out for Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa
Now that most alfalfa has had its first cutting, it is time to begin sampling for potato leafhoppers as the crop reaches a sufficient height for sweep-net sampling. A single sample is 10 sweeps of a sweep net. When the average number of adults and nymph ...