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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources



Search results

  1. Researchers: Food May Be Source of C. diff Infections

    downloaded by clicking here. Jeff LeJeune 330-263-3739 Alex Rodriguez-Palacios 216-368-0756 ...

  2. Correction: Statewide Tour Series Features Hops Production, Aquaponics and Urban Agriculture

    said. Complete details and a list of all 30 tours in the series can be downloaded at ...

  3. Nature and Ecology

    mushrooms in Ohio woodlands Download > Wild Mushrooms (pdf)   Tackle Fungal Forces to Save Crops, Forests ...

  4. About Us

    quantity and quality.  Ohio NEMO managers noticed that the stream system, the outlet for many of our ...

  5. Getting Started

    items in that section, click on the "-" sign to hide the items. You will notice when you view ...

  6. Slug Feeding Injury Rampant for Crop Growers as Near-record Warm Winter Causes the Pests to Attack Weeks Earlier than Normal

    feeders to have attacked earlier than normal and reach a size that causes noticeable feeding injury much ...

  7. Slug Feeding Injury Rampant for Crop Growers as Near-record Warm Winter Causes the Pests to Attack Weeks Earlier than Normal

    feeders to have attacked earlier than normal and reach a size that causes noticeable feeding injury much ...

  8. Early Appearance of Twospotted Spider Mites Could Damage Ohio Soybean Crops

    possible. Spider mites infestations can first be noticed by yellow stippling on the upper surface of the ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-04

    may notice new or unusual plant disease and insect problems in the course of their daily work or ... Liberty can have an especially good fit in fields where there has been a noticeable decrease in the ... Guardsman Max, etc), Radius + atrazine, SureStart, Lexar, etc. These can be applied at rates corresponding ...

  10. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Hedgehogs Got Milk? (for the Week of April 13, 2008)

    documenting greenish diarrhoea, of course, is something you'd notice and learn from, I bet. Especially if ...
