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with changes in corn production practices, such as no-till, phase-out of several soil-applied ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-38
dates have been set. While the events are a couple of months out, take the opportunity to get them in ...
Quality Assurance Test Out **NOTE DATE CHANGE**
What to do when the power goes out?
View Ohio State University Extensions information about what to keep and what to pitch in the case of power outages from Hurricane Sandy. Click here to view news release! ...
Communiqué February 13, 2013
out into counties training volunteers and co-guiding the Community Clubs and Volunteerism Design Teams ...
Preble County Quality Assurance Test Out
Preble County Quality Assurance Test Out Registration Deadline
OSU Entomologists Studying the Damaging Impacts of Common Buckthorn
invaders that has a negative impact on the ecosystem. Not only does the shrub choke out native plants, but ...
Ohio's Wheat Production Continues to Shrink
increased disease pressure. "It makes it easier production-wise to remove wheat out of the rotation ...
OSU Analysis: State's Green Energy Efforts Unlikely to Create Large Numbers of New Jobs
The analysis is laid out in a policy brief titled, "Green Policies, Climate Changes, and New ...