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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources



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  1. A letter to alumni, friends from our chair

    promotions in July. Our seven member staff team does a wonderful job of keeping faculty, students, and ...

  2. PhD Student Malik earns Anthony Grano Scholarship Award from Agricultural & Applied Economics Organization

    fellowship aligns with her academic and professional goals.  “My job market paper, which addresses ...

  3. Gwen Nagel

    graduate in 2026.  Currently my primary job at the OPGC is processing the native North American seed we ...

  4. Ohio State University Spring Career Fair

    The  Ohio State University Spring Career Fair  is an annual job and internship fair held during ...

  5. Working in Cold Temperatures

    hypothermia.  Many jobs are affected little with the change in temperature outside, but others do not have that ... safely get the job done. Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County, can be reached at 937-644-8117 ex. ...

  6. SFMA from Jake Miller's Point of View

    networking with people. You never know who you might meet, and it could lead to a job opportunity that you ...

  7. Working in Cold Temperatures

    hypothermia.  Many jobs are affected little with the change in temperature outside, but others do not have that ... safely get the job done.   Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County, can be reached at 937-644-8117 ex. ...

  8. Director of Guest Experiences- Central Region

    job responsibilities, maintains effective organizational communications, and consistently follows ... Neighborhood Engagement and Education Manager Whitney Caldwell 5137283551 ...

  9. ATI End of Semester Bash Awards

    Distinguished Teaching Award. Others not able to attend but received Not My Job-CFAES ATI Service Awards were ...

  10. IMPLAN Extension Reports

    industry or occupation in the economy relative to the nation?  How does a gain or loss of jobs contribute ... to, or take away from, the local economy? Does the change displace jobs in other industries? To better ...
