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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources


For Love of Rivers: Celebrating 50 Years of the Scenic River Act

Feb 13, 2018, 7:15am - 9:30am

View program recording here


Ohio pioneered the river conservation movement when it passed the first Scenic River Act in February 1968. The National Scenic River Act followed in October of the same year. Fifty years later, 14 rivers have been officially designated as Ohio state wild, scenic and recreational rivers. Three of these rivers have also been designated as national scenic rivers. This select group represents some of Ohio’s best remaining river and stream systems. Most are home to endangered species and an exceptional diversity of fish and other plants and animals. This high degree of natural character that has also made these rivers and streams recreational gems. Bob Gable, Scenic Rivers Program Manager with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources will provide a brief history of the scenic rivers program and an overview of what makes these rivers so special and some of the efforts to protect them. For more information on the Scenic Rivers, click here.  

Former First Lady Hope Taft will follow with a discussion of what it takes to keep a scenic river “scenic” when she talks about some of her local efforts to protect the Little Miami State and National Scenic River right in her own backyard. Learn how Hope has lead local efforts to clean up the Little Miami River, initiate a locally driven citizen’s water quality monitoring effort, advocate for better stormwater management and facilitate the development of a local watershed forum to discuss issues of importance to the river. Hear success stories and some of the challenges that remain as well as how you can help scenic rivers and join in the 50th Anniversary celebrations.


Bob Gable, Scenic Rivers program manager for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. See full bio here

Hope Taft, former First Lady. See full bio here.  

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