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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Biodiversity, Nature, and Natural History Links

Agencies and organizations

UNESCO - UN Ecological, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(Ecological Science for Sustainable Development site:  Man and the Biosphere Program/ reserves)

International Union for the Conservation of Nature
(oldest global environmental group; 1000 scientists in 60 countries; research, info; biodiversity)

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
(sound management/conservation of fish and wildlife; links to state agencies; focus areas (many germane to EPN topic areas))

Teaming With Wildlife Initiative (sponsored by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies)
(Comprised of more than 6,300 State fish & wildlife agencies, wildlife biologists, hunters, anglers, birdwatchers, hikers, nature-based businesses, and other conservationists, the Teaming With Wildlife (TWW) coalition is the largest and most diverse coalition ever assembled in support of wildlife conservation funding. The TWW coalition is the leading advocate for the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants (SWG) program and the implementation of the State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs), which are aimed at preventing wildlife from becoming endangered.)

Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife
(all things related to fish and wildlife resources in Ohio and their conservation/management/harvest)

Ohio Biodiversity Database (Ohio DNR Div. of Wildlife)
(contains more than 19,000 records which represent known locations for Ohio's rare plants and animals, high quality plant communities and other natural features)

Ohio Historical Society (sites, including several with significant natural features)

Ohio Fish and Wildlife Management Assoc.  (professionals, others sharing info in Ohio)

Ohio DNR Natural Areas and Preserves
(manages system of 89 nature preserves for research, nature study, biodiversity conservation; partly supported by state income tax check-off; managed by Div. of Parks and Recreation)

Ohio Biological Survey
(umbrella organization for biodiversity research,; natural history and conservation of flora and fauna; BioOhio quarterly newsletter)

Midwest Native Plant Society
(amateurs/professionals: naturalists, botanists, teachers, researchers, gardeners, birders sharing knowledge about for a and fauna and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems; annual conference)

The Wild Ones 
(Wisconsin-based national organization promoting environmentally sound landscaping practices to promote biodiversity and native plants/communities; chapters in Ohio: Akron, Columbus, Cincinnati, Oak Openings; under “Resources” has many great links to organizations in these categories: national, regional, and local organizations; environment; and controlling invasive species)

Ecological Society of America  
(anything but an old, stodgy scholarly society:  science resources; careers/certifications; education; blogs/publications/communication on current issues; established in 1915 in Columbus)

Society for Conservation Biology
(global organization for conservation professionals; founded 1985 in Ann Arbor)

Conservation Biology Institute
(provides scientific expertise for conservation/recovery of biological diversity in natural state; applied research, education, planning, community service; modeling; GIS/remote sensing data project assessment and planning, globally)

The Nature Conservancy
(U.S.-based global organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity)

Ohio TNC
(protects Ohio’s land, waters, biodiversity through projects and advocacy; local filed trips/events)

Natural Areas Association
(advances preservation of natural diversity; inform, unite, support people who identify, protect, manage, study natural areas and biological diversity; links to state natural area programs)

Center for Biological Diversity
(many science, advocacy, communications, project resources)

Land Scope America (by NatureServe and National Geographic)
(online conservation and education resources for land-protection community and public; interactive viewer for maps, photos, data, stories, by state too)

Ohio Pheasants Forever Ohio Pheasants and Quail Forever  
(part of national organization supporting habitat protection/restoration; local projects supported by staff of biologists; partner for USDA Conservation Reserve Program)

Audubon Ohio
(many local Ohio chapters/links; bird conservation/surveys; links to nature centers; attracting birds)

Ohio Ornithological Society
(for birders and conservationists: supports research, education, projects, bird records, conferences)

US EPA wetlands site

US Fish and Wildlife Service (Dept. of the Interior)
(National Wetlands Inventory site)

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service  (Wetlands Reserve Program site)

Ducks Unlimited
(national organization protecting/restoring wetlands and supporting waterfowl/environments)

Ducks Unlimited Ohio Chapter
(supports DU’s mission in Ohio with many local projects and events)

Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History (many resources for professionals and educators; many publications)

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
(chartered by Congress, leverages federal funds to implement projects protecting fish and wildlife resources and habitat)

National Wildlife Federation
(promotes protection of wildlife and habitat; addresses issues threatening wildlife; education)

Ohio Prairie Association  (all things prairies:  prairies, plants, fire)

The Wildlife Society
(for professional community of scientists, managers, educators, technicians, planners, and others who work actively to study, manage, and conserve wildlife and habitats worldwide; certifications; career and professional development; publications)

The Wilderness Society
(protects wilderness/inspires Americans to care for wild places; protection, stewardship and restoration of  public lands/natural legacy)

Ohio Lepidopterists
(people interested in butterflies, skippers, moths; surveys, field trips, conservation, information)

The Peregrine Fund
(Boise, Idaho-based support group for protection of birds of prey; research, trips)

Spiders in Ohio  (all things spiders; identification, supported by Ohio State Univ)

Association of Professional Landscape Designers
(professional association; links to design companies; sustainability initatives)

Columbus Natural History Society
(events, articles, The Naturalist newsletter)

Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University
(comprises biological specimen collections, except fossils; resource for research, teaching, and outreach centered on biodiversity)

The Ohio Odanta Society (promotes knowledge of dragonflies and damselflies)

Other web links

Birds and Biodiversity by well-known Ohio naturalist
(lots of insights, information, links, and enthusiasm about the natural world)

Northwest Ohio Nature (privately maintained site with much info about nature/resources in NW Ohio.)

Natural History Magazine (formerly published by American Museum of Natural History)

Ohio Amphibians  (privately maintained with Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife support:  information/surveys for frogs, toads, and salamanders)