CFAES Give Today
Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Water Resources, Supplies, and Infrastructure Links

Agencies and organizations

United Nations water programs
(World Water Day 2013; global info on water; outreach; education; issues)

US Environmental Protection Agency “water”
(for all water programs: drinking water, education/training, grants/funding, laws/regulations, our water, pollution prevention/control, research and performance, science and technology, water infrastructure, what you can do; find your watershed w/zip code; many links under “wetlands, oceans, and watersheds” and “wastewater management”)

US EPA WaterSense site
(partnership program to save water/protect the environment by choosing water efficient products (e.g. faucets, toilets, appliances) and services that meet specifications and have been independently tested and/or certified)

Ohio DNR Div. of Soil and Water Resources
(implements dam safety, floodplains, ground water, water resources, water withdrawal statistics, Great Lakes Compact, Project WET, stream management, and other water programs statewide; supports/links to SWCDs; supports watershed projects and nutrient management; links to local watershed action plans; link to Ohio ag pollution abatement program)

Ohio EPA Div. of Drinking and Ground Waters
(ensures compliance with federal Safe Drinking Water Act; evaluates threats to quantity and quality of source waters supplying >5000 public drinking water systems and permits them; lead role for statewide ground water protection; ground water quality monitoring; geo-thermal systems; technical assistance)  

Ohio EPA Div. of Surface Water
(ensures compliance with federal Clean Water Act; issue permits to regulate wastewater treatment plants/factories/storm water; develop comprehensive watershed plans for impaired streams; monitor surface waters)

Ohio EPA Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance
(finances (loans) municipal wastewater treatment projects and others improving water quality/drinking water: projects include drinking water plants or wastewater plants/sewers, restoring aquatic habitat, improving home sewage disposal systems, agriculture or forestry BMPs) 

Ohio Water Resources Council
(forum for policy development, collaboration, coordination among state agencies; state strategic direction;  supports Balanced Growth Program)

State Coordinating Committee on Ground Water
(guides implementation of a statewide coordinated, comprehensive ground water protection and management program; composed of ground water technical or management staff from seven state/two federal agencies/OSU; coordination; special projects)

Ohio Public Works Commission
(administers Clean Ohio Fund (bonds) for environmental, trails and farmland preservation projects, and other state capital improvement projects)

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (Water: consumers; industry)
(regulates providers of all kinds of utility services, including electric and natural gas companies, local and long distance telephone companies, 17 water and wastewater companies, and rail and trucking companies; assures adequate, safe, and reliable public utility services at fair price)

Ohio Emergency Management Agency
(Ohio’s agency for planning/response for natural hazards/emergencies, including floods, snow, tornados, etc.; links to county emergency management agencies)

US Geological Survey
(search for various water issues under “Science Topics”; links to real-time data, more, link to: Ohio Water Science Center for a wealth of Ohio info/data)

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
(links to states and local/county service centers; links to major program areas: Programs & Services Technical Resources Land Use Soils Water Air Plants & Animals Energy Climate Change People; data rich programs: Snow and Water Data National Resources Inventory Web Soil Survey)

Ohio NRCS 
(many water quality and watershed programs and funding)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(info/research on coasts and oceans; relates to hypoxia issues and Ohio River/Great Lakes watersheds in Ohio; rainfall/weather data)

US Army Corps of Engineers 
(regulatory programs, including Section 404 permits; mitigation; navigation; dams/hydro)

Ohio Water Development Authority
(provides financial assistance for environmental infrastructure from the sale of municipal revenue bonds through loans to local governments and from issuance of industrial revenue bonds for qualified projects; drinking water and sewage/water pollution control primarily plus several smaller programs; small R&D grants)

Ohio DNR Scenic Rivers Program, in Div. of Watercraft  
(links to info for 14 scenic rivers and 4 coordinators; stream monitoring)

OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources Ohio Watershed Network 
(provides information to “watershed community” and natural resources professionals to protect  resources in watershed; links to watershed groups; implements OSU’s training/development Watershed  Academy)

Ohio Department of Health
(links to all ODH topics A-Z; link to Div. of Environmental Health with many water programs; find local health departments

Ohio Lake Erie Commission
(directors of 6 state agencies; grants; Lake Erie water quality/phosphorus task force, liaison to GL programs)

Water Management Association of Ohio
(promotes comprehensive understanding, conservation, multifaceted use of water resources; many topic area divisions/affiliate organizations; training; news)

Water Environment Federation (“The Water Quality People”)
(info for public/K-12; training/online/conferences; publications; policy; global issues; links to topics: Biosolids Collection Systems Stormwater Utility Management Watershed Management Wastewater Treatment Water Reuse Infrastructure Membranes Microconstituents Nutrients Climate Change Energy Efficiency Workforce Sustainability Water Security)

Ohio Water Environment Association
(wastewater related org dedicated to protection of water;  members: scientists/lab specialists, engineers, treatment plant personnel, manufacturer's reps, educators/students, regulators; training; certifications)

American Water Works Association
(dedicated to safe water; knowledge/information/advocacy for improving water quality/supply in North America/beyond; professional development; info)

National Ground Water Association
(for U.S. and international groundwater professionals — contractors, scientists and engineers, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers; policy/guidance; state links; extensive professional development/training; certifications inc for drillers/contractors; basic GW info; hdqrs Westerville, OH)

Ohio Water Well Association
(cooperate with state regulatory bodies in collection/dissemination of GW data and assuring water well systems are properly constructed; members: include well drillers, pump installers, manufacturers/suppliers of water system products, geologists, engineers, regulators; affiliate of NGWA above; searchable Ohio contractor database)

Alliance for Water Efficiency
(efficient/sustainable use of water; Chicago-based; national voice; info; codes/standards; >market for fixtures/appliances; coordinate w/green building initiatives; training; extensive list of resources) 

Ohio Water Quality Association
(trade association representing the water treatment industry; guards rights of homeowners and Ohio water treatment professionals; associated with the Water Quality Association, the international trade association representing household, commercial, industrial and small community water treatment industry)

North American Lake Management Society
(focus on lake management for variety of uses; address land use on a watershed level; includes: scientists, academics, professional lake managers, politicians/policy makers, regulators, volunteer monitors, lake property owners, lake users; certifications; info; partnerships; training)

Ohio Lake Management Society 
(promotes research and management of Ohio’s lakes, private and public; education/technical assistance, collection/ dissemination of water quality data: CLAM Citizen Lake Awareness and Monitoring; policy)

International Joint Commission 
(deals with rivers/lakes that  lie along/flow across/border U.S./Canada; assists governments in finding solutions to problems in these waters; water quality; lake levels; agreements; reports)

Great Lakes Commission
(Ann Arbor, MI headquarters; interstate compact agency that promotes orderly, integrated, comprehensive development, use, conservation of  water/related natural resources; members include 8 GL states with Ontario/Quebec as associate members; policy/advocacy, education, air/water quality, water use, economy/transportation, land/soil management, data/monitoring)

Alliance for the Great Lakes
(helps conserve, restore, sustain world’s largest freshwater resource: policy, education, citizen involvement; links to programs:  clean water, water conservation, invasives, coastal conservation, education, adopt-a-beach, GL action center, sustainable businesses)

Great Lakes Environmental Law Center
(protects GL and their communities; in Detroit; involves law students; link to Professor Noah Hall blog All Things Wet and Legal in the Great Lakes Region)

Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network
(limnologists, ecologists, information technology experts, engineers; building a scalable, persistent network of lake ecology observatories; data)

Association of State Dam Safety Officials
(serves state dam safety programs, federal dam safety professionals, dam owners/operators, engineering consultants, emergency managers, manufacturers/ suppliers, academia, contractors; state links)

Ohio Dam Safety Organization
(promote dam safety; partnership of dam owners, operators, engineers, regulators: training; policy)

Association of State Floodplain Managers
(professionals involved in floodplain management/policy, flood hazard mitigation, National Flood Insurance Program, and flood preparedness, warning, recovery; professional certification; training; state links)

Ohio Floodplain Managers Association
(promotes effective floodplain management; training; policy; outreach)

The Ohio Environmental Council
(water programs:  rivers/streams; Lake Erie; community/watersheds; supports/links to regional watershed councils: NW, NE, SE, Central Ohio; news, info, advocacy; legal clinic)

American Rivers
(protect/restore U.S. rivers and streams; annual release of America’s Most Endangered Rivers®. program areas: rivers and global warming, river restoration, river protection, clean water/supply)

Rivers Unlimited
(statewide group created to protect/restore rivers; resources)

The Nature Conservancy
(U.S.-based global organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity)

Ohio TNC
(protects Ohio’s land, waters, biodiversity through projects and advocacy; local filed trips/events)

Water Without Borders
(committed to providing safe drinking water to the world's citizens; committed to also respecting environmental impacts)

U.S. Drought Monitor  
(maps and information)

(local agencies and organizations may be added later; in meantime try links above to link to them)


Other web links

Lake Scientist
(emerged from leadership of Fondriest Environmental, in collaboration with Miami University and Kent State University’s EARS (Environmental Aquatic Resource Sensing) IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training) program*, with a vision to create a central resource about lake science)

American Standard Water Conservation 
(water savings calculator; articles, video, links)

Water – Use it Wisely
(100+ ways to conserve water; hundreds of great Links/Resources; Kids)