Agencies and organizations
US EPA Stormwater Program
(federal stormwater laws, regulations, programs, outreach; many links, including these: Center for Transportation and the Environment - Storm Water Runoff Conservation Technology Information Center Know Your Watershed Low Impact Development Center National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies National Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP) Database)
Center for Watershed Protection
(tools supporting an integrated watershed approach: watershed and stormwater services, research, training, publications, webinars)
Center for Watershed Protection (formerly Association of Watershed and Stormwater Professionals)
(network to share ideas, resources, expertise, info; training, education, professional development)
National Association for Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies
(news and information for agency and other members)
Ohio DNR Division of Soil and Water Resources
(division’s stormwater program maintains Ohio’s stormwater BMP manual (see next link); supports SWCDs, communities, developers, agencies; evaluates practice effectiveness and promotes innovation)
Rainwater and Land Development Manual
(Div. of Soil and Water Resources’ Rainwater and Land Development – Ohio’s Standards for Stormwater Management, Land Development, and Urban Stream Protection; downloadable pdf)
Ohio EPA Div. of Surface Water – Stormwater
(implements state and federal stormwater permits for development sites and program requirements for communities across Ohio)
Ohio Stormwater Association
(advances management of stormwater and related resources through education, leadership, watershed-based coordination and technical assistance; offers links, including:
Illicit Discharge Detection And Elimination Manual: A Guidance Manual for Municipalities in the State of Ohio [ pdf ]
Analysis of Enabling Legislation From A Multi-jurisdictional Watershed Perspective [ pdf ]
Ohio EPA – Total maximum Daily Load Program Ohio EPA – Water Quality Standards Program
ODOT-Storm water page American Rivers – Ohio Rivers Ohio Department of Development Ohio Lake Erie Commission Ohio Balanced Growth Great Lakes Restoration Initiative EPA BMP Performance Urban tool EPA – National Menu of BMPs International BMP Database – User Guide for BMP data entry FHWA- Ultra Urban BMPs Low Impact Development Green Infrastructure Green Infrastructure Conservation Fund Natural Resources Conservation Services USGS American Public Works Association US Army Corp of Engineers)
Association of Clean Water Administrators
(represents state and interstate water quality agencies; weekly one-page e-newsletter; meetings)
National Association of Conservation Districts
(highlights and links urban conservation and conservation districts’ related programs and projects)
U.S. Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry site
(information about urban and community forests/forestry)
Green Infrastructure Center (primarily serves SE U.S.)
(helps parties evaluate green infrastructure assets and make plans to conserve them; “resources” links to many reports and case studies)
Green Infrastructure Design (primarily serves U.S. West)
(education, research and professional assistance to communities contemplating green infrastructure planning and improving the vitality, value and function of our natural and social environments.)
Green Infrastructure -- program of the Conservation Fund
(supports green infrastructure “community of practice”; case studies)
Trust for Public Land
(also supports urban parks and nature; Visioning Service uses GIS models to assess park plans)
Indiana University Center for Urban Policy & Environment
(collaboration of academics and communities for quality of life issues)
Backyard Conservation
(USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Backyard Conservation site/links)
National Wildlife Federation Certify Your Wildlife Garden
(information for using gardens and urban landscapes to provide wildlife habitat; get yours certified)
Urban Land Institute (collaboration of professionals from many sectors)
ULI Councils in Ohio:
US EPA Low Impact Development Site
(fact sheets/reports; design/guidance manuals; videos/media; information resources/centers)
Low Impact Development Center
(info, tools, case study projects)
Urban Design Tools, by Low Impact Development Center
(tools, case studies, etc. with US EPA support)
Non-Point Education for Municipal Officials
(hosted by Univ. of Connecticut; programs in 31 states share info, educational methods, tech tools)
North Carolina State University Stormwater Engineering
(design specs, research, info, news, training)
Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership
(advance sustainable stormwater management and foster development of public/private partnerships; research on innovative stormwater BMPs, directed studies, technology transfer, education)
University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
Water Environment Research Foundation
(evaluates how stormwater BMPs can affect water quality in streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries; spreadsheet screening tools and comprehensive model-based products for decisions on selection/ design of systems that achieve measurable improvements in water quality)
(national rainfall data)
Industry Compliance Assistance
International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database
National Association of Homebuilders
University of Massachusetts Amherst Stormwater Technologies Clearinghouse
University of Central Florida Stormwater Academy
University of Minnesota St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Stormwater Research
Other Web Links
Stormwater – the Journal for Surface Water Quality Professionals
(news, info, blogs, searchable topics, 6 e-newsletters including erosion/sediment control and stormwater management; free to many qualified subscribers)