Agencies and organizations
US EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
(provides policy, guidance, direction for emergency response and waste programs; A-Z topics).
Office of Superfund Technology and Remediation Innovation
National Priorities List Recovery Act funding for Superfund sites Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Community involvement
Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery
Hazardous waste, including recycling, corrective action (cleanups) and household hazardous waste Municipal solid waste Resouce Conservation Challenge Plug-In To eCycling WasteWise Partnership Product Stewardship Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste and Cleanup Risk Assessment Waste(s)
Office of Underground Storage Tanks
Recovery Act funding for leaking tanks LUST Trust Fund
Office of Emergency Management
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Requirements Facility Response Plan (FRP) Rule Local Governments Reimbursement (LGR) Program National Contingency Plan (NCP) Subpart J Product Schedule Reporting Oil Discharges and Hazardous Substance Releases Risk Management Plan (RMP) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Rule
US EPA Waste Info Resources
Glossary Hazardous Waste Data Municipal Solid Waste Facts and Figures Publications RCRA Online Waste Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Ohio EPA Div. of Materials and Waste Management
(recently created by combining two divisions; two previous websites have not been fully merged; some DMWM topics link to the two)
(implements solid waste, recycling, infectious waste, hazardous waste, construction and demolition debris programs; research/emerging concepts and technologies associated with resource conservation, materials management, sustainability; oversee state/local planning for solid waste management)
Organization of Solid Waste Districts in Ohio
(organizational affiliate of the County Commissioners Association of Ohio; serves for networking, exchange best practices on solid waste management/recycling, information resource; links to 52 local solid waste districts/websites)
Ohio Manufacturers’ Association
(protects/grows Ohio manufacturing; advocacy; “communities” include energy management/environment management)
Solid Waste Association of North America, Buckeye Chapter
(Education, >communications, creating effective solutions for waste management professionals; training; jobs)
Solid Waste Association of North America
(serves municipal solid waste professionals with conferences, certifications, publications, technical training; certification; links to chapters in almost all states)
International Solid Waste Association
(promote/develop sustainable/professional waste management worldwide; links to chapters in many countries and private company members worldwide)
Ohio Association of Recycling and Litter Prevention Professionals
(dedicated to professional development by providing leadership, training, networking opportunities)
Institute for Supply Management
(sustainability and social responsibility section)
North American Hazardous Materials Management Association
(professional organization dedicated to pollution prevention and reducing hazardous constituents entering municipal waste streams from households, small businesses and other entities that may be exempt from local, regional or national regulations; regional chapters)
International Society for Sustainability Professionals
(committed to making sustainability standard practice; share resources and best practices; networking/professional development
Pesticide Stewardship Alliance
(collaborative partnership of government agencies at all levels, educational/research institutions, public/private organizations for stewarding the pesticide life cycle; education, training, outreach at local, national, international levels; great links under RESOURCES)
Product Stewardship Institute
(works with state/local agencies to partner with manufacturers, retailers, environmental groups, federal agencies, stakeholders to reduce health/environmental impacts of consumer products; encourages product design changes and mediates stakeholder dialogues; RESOURCES links to resources and many related organizations in categories: corporate responsibility, eco-labels, electronics, environmental info/ed, environmentally preferable purchasing, Europe/international, product stewardship, recycling/waste management, sustainability)
(local agencies and organizations may be added later; in meantime use links above to link to them)