Agencies and organizations
North American Association for Environmental Education
(for professionals and others; shares research and ideas; ~15 public EELinked focus networks)
US EPA environmental education program
(EE grants, teacher awards, resources for teachers and students, free e-newsletter)
Expanding Capacity in EE Project, Cornell Univ. Civic Ecology Lab
(innovation, networking, learning; emphasizes urban landscapes and under-served communities)
National Environmental Education Foundation
(EE in schools: Classroom Earth & EE Week; Adults: Earth Guage (weather) and National Public Lands Day; EE for health professionals; EE for business professionals – Business and Environment Initiative)
Green Ribbon Schools US Dept. of Education
(recognizes <environmental impact/costs, >health/wellness, >environmental/sustainability education)
US EPA EE site for students
(activities for K-12 students; resources for educators and parents)
National Association for Interpretation
(people involved in interpretation of natural & cultural heritage resources, in: parks, zoos, museums, nature centers, aquaria, historical)
Applied Environmental Education and Communication
(scholarly, peer-reviewed quarterly for academics and practitioners)
Environmental Education Council of Ohio
(provides leadership/resources for EE in Ohio; networking/training/certification; Best EE Practices Guide; Directory of EE Sites and Resources)
Ohio EPA Ohio Environmental Education Fund (provides grants)
- “Making Schools Green, Clean and Safe” [DOC]
- Resources for Creating a School Land Lab:
- State of Ohio Environmental Education Resources
- Wildlife Ohio History Timeline Slideshow [PDF]: Large file, opens slowly
- Notes on Wildlife History [PDF]
- Environmental Education for the Social Studies Slideshow [MS PowerPoint]
- Award Winning Environmental Education Publications Available
- Links to Other Environmental Education Web Sites [PDF] (Last update 1/26/12)*
- Guidelines for Success: Best Practices for Environmental Education [PDF]
- Ohio's Wetland Wonderlands, Audubon Adventures Ohio Series
- Ohio's Forests- Then and Now, Audubon Adventures Ohio Series
- Ohio's Prairies- Native Grasslands, Audubon Adventures Ohio Series
- Teacher's Guide, Audubon Adventures Ohio Series
* Over 100 links in these categories: nationally-known EE curricula/projects; outdoor classrooms/land labs/wildlife gardens; calculating your environmental impact; air quality; climate change; energy efficiency/alternative sources; environmental health and safety, wastes and recycling; water quality; websites w/data on local OH environmental conditions; clearinghouses; other resources
Ohio DNR Div. of Soil and Water Resources
(EE source for SWCDs, teachers, others; links to SWCDs; partner links to Project WET, Envirothon (high school teams), and SWEET – Source Water Environmental Education Teams; & many links through these items
- Classroom Water Education Resources
- Science Education and Environmental Education Resources
- Government Resources
- Out of State Water Management Agencies
- Water Related Associations and Foundations
Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
(Assists/links to SWCDs; many of 88 SWCDs have EE programs K-12 and adult; other partners too)
Ohio Leave No Child Inside Collaboratives
(news, info, speakers, resources, advocacy, networking)
Outdoor Writers of Ohio
(association of writers for newspapers, magazines, webs/blogs, etc.; nature lore link)
Land Scope America (by NatureServe and National Geographic)
(online conservation and education resources for land-protection community and public; interactive viewer for maps, photos, data, stories, by state too)
International Environmental Communication Association
(professional association of teachers, scholars, artists, practitioners, students, organizations; advance practice, study, teaching in civic, political, educational, business, cultural contexts.)
Society of Environmental Journalists
(seeks to strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues; issue guides, journal, professional development)
National Association of Agricultural Educators
(federation of state ag educators associations; advocacy for ag education, professional development, recruitment/retention; Communities of Practice network)
Agriculture in the Classroom
(national program implemented at state level, links; seeks to improve agricultural literacy — awareness, knowledge, and appreciation — among preK-12 teachers/students)
Green Education Foundation
(committed to sustainable future through education; real-world applied learning models; curriculum/ resources for K-12 students and teachers)
Great Lakes Information Network “Teach Great Lakes”
(mini-lessons on GL topics: environment, history & culture, geography, pollution and careers & business; elementary/high school students; glossary; links to educational resources, agencies, orgs) NGO
(primarily a community-driven portal for environmental programs, activities, resources)
Earth Day Network
(Green Schools Leadership Center, Educators’ Network/Ask the Expert, Women in the Green Economy, Creating Climate Wealth Conference for green business leaders)
Water on the Web
(curriculum for university and high school students)