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Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Weather Links

Agencies and organizations

National Weather Service (part of U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 
(federal agency for all things weather:  active alerts, current conditions, past weather, forecasts (including many specialty like marine), information; weather safety; education)

NWS Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services (>100 outreach links A-Z, e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, drought, etc.)

NWS Wilmington, Ohio site

NWS Cleveland, Ohio site

National Integrated Drought Information System
(led by NOAA; coordinates federal and other efforts for drought information and  planning)

Drought Monitor (University of Nebraska Lincoln)
(current national drought and related information; supported by federal agencies, others)

National Drought Mitigation Center  (University of Nebraska Lincoln)
(source of drought mitigation planning; links to state plans and climatologists)

National Association of State Climatologists  
(links to regional climates centers and state climatologists; tools for using climate data)

Office of the State Climatologist for Ohio (Jeffrey Rogers at Ohio State University) (>100 links in categories below)

Ohio Emergency Management Agency
(Ohio’s agency for planning/response for natural hazards/emergencies, including floods, snow, tornados, etc.; links to county emergency management agencies)

National Center for Atmospheric Research (sponsor National Science Foundation) 
(federally funded R&D for service, research, education in atmospheric/related sciences)

American Meteorological Society
(certifies practitioners in three specialties; information for students of all ages; career center/jobs)

American Weather and Climate Industry Association
(trade association for people who make weather their business; assists various industry sectors)

Weather Risk Management Association
(industry support group for weather risk management professionals)

World Meteorological Organization
(specialized agency of the United Nations focused on weather, climate, and water)

Web Weather for Kids (University Corp. for Atmospheric Research)
(learn what makes weather wet and wild; do cool activities; become hot at forecasting weather)

Other web links

WeatherMatrix blog
(Jesse Ferrell blog at commercial site; links to other AccuWeather bloggers)

StormCenter Communications
(helps partners communicate weather, climate, end environmental info through Envirocast program – Ohio partner is TV station WTOL 11 in Toledo)

The Weather Channel