CFAES Give Today
Environmental Professionals Network

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Smart Columbus

Apr 18, 2017, 7:15am - 9:45am

View Recording Here

The City of Columbus won the U.S. Department of Transportation $40 million Smart City Challenge in June, 2016 after competing against 77 cities nationwide to implement a holistic vision for how technology can help all residents to move more easily and to access opportunity. Columbus was also awarded a $10 million grant from Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Inc. Foundation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the de-carbonization of the electric supply and transportation sectors. Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther announced February 22nd that between those grants and the growing list of local match projects, including several OSU research projects, the Smart Columbus project has about $417 million in resources to turn Columbus into the testing ground for intelligent-transportation systems. The City’s total goal for Smart City and related projects by 2020 is $1 billion. Aparna Dial last spoke at an EPN breakfast April 12, 2016, the day she flew to Washington, DC to help present the City’s grant proposal as one of the seven finalist cities.

City of Columbus Smart City webpage

Columbus Dispatch 2/22/27 article

Moderator and Presenter

Aparna Dial, Deputy Director, Dept. of Public Service, City of Columbus, and Smart City staff


Automotive Research Underpins Smart Transportation Systems

Maryn Weimer, Senior Assoc. Director, OSU Center for Automotive Research

Introduction to Smart Columbus USDOT Program

Ryan Bollo, PE, Project Manager, Senior ITS / Technology Program

Andrew Wolpert, PE, Project Manager, ITS / Technology Program

Columbus Dept. of Public Service

Introduction to Smart Columbus Electrification Plan

Bud Braughton, PE, Engineer IV, Downtown & Special Projects

Columbus Dept. of Public Service

Columbus -- Doing Great Things Locally, Looking Bright Nationally

Jordan Davis, Director of Smart Cities, Columbus Partnership 

Also featuring 14 OSU senior capstone teams and their projects in foyer

capstone student presentation (April 2016)


Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center

2201 Fred Taylor Drive

Columbus, Ohio 43210

Map and Directions


 Parking is free but you must have a pass which you can download here and place on your dashboard, whether parking across the street or behind the 4-H Center.


7:15am    Doors open, coffee, tea, networking
                14 capstone student teams ready to interact with attendees 
8:15        Warm buffet breakfast
8:40        Program begins
9:30        Q&A/discussion
9:45        Program ends


OSU Office of Student Life, Energy Management and Sustainability

For further information about these 2nd Tuesdays Breakfasts or the EPN, please contact David Hanselmann at or 614-247-1908.

Event images/recording disclaimer: Registration and attendance at, or participation in, EPN meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to EPN and the School of Environment and Natural Resources use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee's image and voice in photographs, videotapes, and electronic reproduction of such events and activities.

Register (EVENT IS FULL)

To Register to pay by credit card $15: 

To Register to pay by cash/check/erequest $10 or by student scholarship $0  

Topic Areas: 

EPN Breakfast Series

The Environmental Professionals Network hosts a monthly breakfast series with compelling speakers on important innovative topics at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on Ohio State’s campus - open to all!