The Lake Erie Impairment Designation
For the first time in our state’s history the open waters of western Lake Erie have been deemed impaired by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. In a region important to boaters, swimmers and anglers what does this designation mean? What factors are driving this impairment? What can we learn from other watersheds that have faced impairment designations and other challenges related to water pollution management? Join us for an exciting panel conversation to learn about the science-based approach used by two of our state’s leading universities to help the Ohio EPA assess whether the open waters of Lake Erie met federal and state water quality goals, as well as key lessons learned from water quality management in the Chesapeake Bay, Grand Lake St. Marys, and the City of Columbus. Efforts to monitor harmful blooms, keep drinking water safe, address public health concerns and engage stakeholders in the process to reduce and mitigate harmful algal blooms will be addressed by the panel.
Dr. Jeff Sharp, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State
Christopher J. Winslow, PhD (Lake Erie), director of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program
Rich Batiuk (Chesapeake Bay) - retired associate director for Science, Analysis and Implementation with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Chesapeake Bay Program Office
Theresa Dirksen (Grand Lake Saint Mary’s) - agriculture solutions coordinator for Mercer County, Ohio
George Bullerjahn, PhD (Sandusky Bay) - professor of Research Excellence at Bowling Green State University’s Department of Biological Sciences
Lorraine Winters Krzyzewski (Columbus) - watershed manager for the Columbus Division of Water, Watershed Management Section